Sturm auf Kronach // Projection Mapping
The projection mapping project „Sturm auf Kronach“ is a multimedia-project which brings back the 30-Years-War to it’s original scene.
1632-34 the swedish army and their protestant allies attacked the catholic city Kronach in northern Bavaria. Setting the projection
to one of the originally attacked walls of the „Festung Rosenberg“, a castle from the middle ages, gives the viewer an extraordinary
experience by resurrecting the history of the city and it’s castle.
Based on the happenings during the swedish attacks, a story was developed and communicated through abstract visuals, music,
voices and ambient sound. The projection was realized during the light-festival „Kronach Leuchtet 2014“
Regie and Animation: Raphael Schardt
Music and Sounddesign: Jens Heuler
Production: Rotary Club Kronach
See some impressions in this small making-of video: